HP Police constitutes BOI to probe the tragic accident of six police personnel in Chamba

Himachal Pradesh Police constituted a Board of Inquiry to probe the death of six police personnel in a road accident in Chamba district on Friday.

Director General of Himachal Pradesh Police Sanjay Kundu stated in a press release that a  tragic accident occurred today at Bairagarh – Tissa road in district Chamba in which six police personnel of the 2nd IRBn deployed at Chamba Border area lost their lives in the line of duty.  

A Board of Inquiry (B.o.I) under the chairmanship of IPS and DIG-NR, Dharmashala Mr. Abhishek Dullar, 

 has been constituted to find out the actual cause of the incident.  Other members of BoI are IPS and commandant of 2nd IRBn Sakoh Dr. Khushal Sharma, and . SP Chamba Abhishek Yadav.

 The B.o.I would inquire into the details of the cause of the incident and also elaborate upon the necessary steps to mitigate such incidents in the future. Also, suggest safety measures for travel on roads vulnerable to landslides and boulder falls. The Board of Inquiry (BoE) will submit its report within a fortnight

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