The government should have called an all-party meeting before the disaster: Randhir

BJP Chief Spokesperson Randhir Sharma said that in the hour of this disaster, the way the Congress government should have worked by taking all the political parties together, the government has failed. Till now the government has not called an all-party meeting of Himachal so that many suggestions could come to the government.

He said that the Bharatiya Janata Party alleges that the government is not working unitedly even at the time of such a tragedy, the lack of unity is visible.

In such a big disaster, the Chief Minister is visiting the affected areas separately by taking a big helicopter with some of his selected friends in it, Jal Shakti Minister Mukesh Agnihotri is visiting separately, and State President and MP Pratibha Singh with her son Public Works Traveling to the affected areas separately with Minister Vikramaditya Singh. Everyone visited separately, so at such time when the government took a big helicopter, all the ministers and the ministers belonging to the major departments would have visited the affected areas and given an instruction to the officers of these departments, then it would have saved time. Today a big question mark has arisen on the unity of the government.

He said that not only this, there is a tragedy in one place, it is a matter of providing relief to the affected. There is talk of reparation, there is a need for rehabilitation, there is a need for reconstruction, and on the other hand, the ministers of the government are trying to pull each other down. If a minister makes a statement, instead of the government taking action on it, the rest of the ministers refute it.

Even now the people of Himachal are missing, contact with the village has been cut off, there is no electricity and water, and the efforts that should be made to bring all these systems back on track are not visible.

Sharma said that works like reconstruction and rehabilitation have not started yet. Landslides happened on major roads but this government has not been able to even lift the slip yet. The roads are not opening due to them and there is a competition among the free leaders of the Congress to get work. Basic necessities electricity and water are yet to be restored.

This government is only doing the work of patting itself on the back. The rule for relief is issued yesterday, but diesel has been made costlier by Rs. 3 a liter before that, before giving relief to the poor, this government has the work of imposing a financial burden on the affected.

This is the wrong decision at the wrong time, Bharatiya Janata Party strongly condemns it.

He said that the time frame in the relief manual is also wrong, with July 7 to July 15 being the shorter deadline.

Many topics have been omitted in the manual, such as how much money will they get if their entire house is washed away. Perhaps this government will issue another relief manual.

Even now the rains are continuing and people are still suffering huge losses in Himachal even after the rains have stopped, they have to bear a lot of losses.

He said that the condition of the Himachal Pradesh government is such that an SDM buys a cup of tea for Rs. 10 for Rs. 50, but no action is taken on it. What would be happening with the common man?

The Bharatiya Janata Party thanks the Central Government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Minister Amit Shah, and BJP National President Jagat Prakash Nadda for supporting Himachal Pradesh in every way.

We are thankful for the way the central government has given Rs 361 crore to Himachal Pradesh.

The state government should also thank the central government, the state government is only competing to ask for money.

Right now no assessment is being done by the state government but every minister is asking for money through the media in different ways, some four thousand crores, some seven thousand crores, some eight thousand crores. No money comes in this way, first assessment should be done and then money should be asked.

Co-media in-charge Karan Nanda and candidate Ravi Mehta were present at the press conference with him.

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