18 IAS & HAS officers shuffled in Himachal, Roshan Chand Thakur posts as MD HRTC
In a major administration shake Himachal Pradesh Government transferred 18 IAS and HAS officers on Tuesday.
Rohan Chand Thakur and Ms. Manasi Sahay Thakur both (HP: 2009) cadre IAS awaiting posting were posted as Managing Director, Himachal Pradesh Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) and Labor Commissioner – cum – Director, Employment, Shimla respectively.
Sandeep Kumar, IAS (HP: 2010), MD, HRTC Shimla as Spl Secretary (Technical Education.
Rakesh Kumar Prajapati, LAS (HP: 2012), Director, Industries shall also hold the additional charge of the post of MD, General Industries Corporation Ltd , Shimla
Pankaj Rai , IAS ( HP : 2014 ) , Spl Secretary ( Education ) relieved from the adl charge of the post of Spl Secretary (Planning).
Mr Sukhu also transferred Muncipal Commissioner Shimla MC who was posted as Secretary State Transport Authority – cum Additional Commissioner, Transport, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla.
Bhupender Kumar, HPAS (2009), MD MILKFED. Shimla as Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Shimla.