NDPS accused sentenced to three months of rigorous imprisonment
The court of Chief judicial magistrate Shimla today convicted an NDPS accused sentencing him to undergo rigorous imprisonment of three months and slapped a Rs 10 000 fine on him after finding him guilty under section 20 of the NDPS Act 1985.
The Court after hearing protection and defense today convicted accused Chirag Sood s/o late sh. Rajesh Sood r/o Sangeet Bhawan, new flowerdale colony, chhota shimla, district Shimla Himachal Pradesh sentenced to undergo RI for a period of three THREE months and to pay a fine of Rs. 10,000 and in default of payment of the fine the accused shall further undergo simple imprisonment for the period of one month.
The Assistant District Attorney Manoj Kumar Sharma on behalf of the State Government told that on April 13, 2015, when the police party was on patrolling duty at Brockhurst, Chhota Shimla, then at about 0320hrs when the police party was near Brockhust rain shelter, then the accused came from Kasumpti side having a carry bag in his hands. On seeing the police, the accused got perplexed and when police checked his carry bag then CHARAS in the shape of sticks weighing 60 gms was found in the carry bag.
The police further completed the investigation and submitted the charge sheet against the accused before the court for judicial verdict. In this case, the prosecution examined
nine witnesses in support of the chargesheet, and the Court after, going through the chargesheet as well as arguments advanced by Ld. Assistant District Attorney, further convicted the accused for the commission of offense under section 20 of NDPS Act. The case was pleaded by Sh. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Ld Assistant District Attorney on behalf of State government.