Instead of helping in the disaster, the central government is doing politics of blackmailing: Baldev Thakur

Himachal Pradesh Congress Committee Secretary Baldev Thakur has accused the BJP government at the Center that the people of Himachal Pradesh are passing through the worst tragedy of the century and immovable property worth thousands of crores have been destroyed in the state due to severe floods. And several hundred people were either washed away alive in the debris due to sliding hills and the fierce current of the river.
Baldev Thakur said that despite this terrible calamity, the BJP government at the center has remained a mute spectator and even after seeing the dead bodies of the people, it is negotiating to declare the state as a disaster state, which shows an insensitive attitude of the central government towards the public.
Baldev Thakur said that BJP National President Jagat Prakash Nadda and Union Minister Anurag Thakur visited the state recently and were seen shaking their heads by saying that the second amount would be released only after spending the first amount received for the disaster. The amount that the state has received so far is like cumin in the mouth of a camel. Estimated 6700 in the state till August and after that, after August 13, a loss of about 10 thousand crores due to heavy rains in other districts like Kullu, Manali, Mandi, and Shimla. It has been done since and the state government has requested the central government to release 6700 crores for help without any delay, but the amount of about 200 crores that the state has received so far, every hill state gets every year from the routine. In which not only the calamity arising out of rain or flood, it is spent every year in the state due to drought, while the state government is constantly asking the center to compensate for the loss of life and property due to heavy rains at present, but the central government The lice is not even crawling on the ear.
Baldev Thakur, the Chief Minister of the state, if any bridge or road breaks down in a disaster, 18 crores for installing a valley bridge in its place. Budget of 30 crores to buy Hydra machines and State Police’s S at the time of disaster. It is a sensible step to help the people of the state at the earliest by approving DRF to buy all the material used in times of disaster because before today either the neighboring states for machinery Or had to depend on private companies or the army and this is the first time a Chief Minister has shown a sense of humor because till date the earlier governments were careless about dealing with the disaster. Help could have been given to those who lost their lives or whose belongings were buried or washed away in the house. And the Union ministers were behaving in front of the media as if Narendra1 Modi and Amit Shah have sent both the leaders by giving tuition that the people of the state have to come only by showing dreams in the name of relief.
Baldev Thakur said that now the face of the BJP government at the Center has come in front of the public and contrary to the callous attitude of the Central Government towards the State, the State Governments of Rajasthan, Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, many institutions and some individuals are helping the State to deal with the disaster. Has announced to send financial help with an open heart. Baldev Thakur said that showing humanity to the central government, declaring the state as a national calamity as soon as possible, the state should approve the special economic package without any delay, so that the life of the general public in the state can come back on track.

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