Himachal Opposition members disrupt question hours seeking discussion on outsourcing policy

Opposition BJP in Himachal Pradesh Assembly disrupted the question hours demanding immediate discussion and adjourning the question hours on the outsourcing policy. At the house assembly for the budget session on Tuesday this morning, BJP Legislator Sukhram Chaudhary raised the issue that an adjournment motion was moved by the BJP seeking discussion to bring a policy for recruitment of outsourced employees in the state. Speaker Kuldeep Singh Pathania did not allow the opposition to raise the issue stating that this matter was also raised by members of treasury benches during the question hours and the government would give a reply in the house asking the member to take question hours  This agitated a BJP member and they went to the well of the house and started slogans against the ruling of the chair.    

Latter the house participated in the question hours amid the disruption by the opposition. Speaker also called the members of the opposition to ask the question but they were shouting slogans, and all the members of the treasury benches took part in it. Deputy CM Mukesh Agnihotri said that 100 days ago BJP was rejected by the people of Himachal Pradesh. He said that Jai Ram Thakur remained Chief Minister for five years why his government did not frame a policy for outsourced employees. Today he is coming out of slumber by disrupting the question hours. After 100 days of defeat, they understand the importance of Outsource employees. Dy CM said that people of the state are accusing them of remaining unable to not serve them. He said that the assembly is in session for 15 days but the opposition today remembered the importance of the issue they were raising, disrupting the proceedings of the assembly. 

Dy CM said that this government has already thought about the interest of outsourced employees and it has hiked their wages by Rs 700 per month and a cabinet subcommittee headed by the Industry minister Harashvardhan Chauhan is already looking into the matter. He accused the previous government of constituting a subcommittee in the last moment of government and also hired a Cleanways company to outsource the jobs without following the norms. He said that the Government did not allow clean ways to hire the outsource flouting the recruitment norms. He said that the Chief Minister is serious about the issue and would come out with a policy after having the subcommittee report.

The speaker also condemned the leader of the opposition Jai Ram Thakur for violating an assembly rule. Mr. Pathania said that rule 2 and sub-rule 12 did not allow any member to address the house showing back to the chair but Mr. Jai Ram Thakur despite repeated requests did not turn toward the chair and showed back in the house. He said that the behavior of LOP was not to become a member of the house. Cautioning the LOP in the house when no member of the opposition was in the house that he should expect to improve his behavior however he is not interested to take any punitive action on this.  

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