BJP is trying unsuccessfully to divert the attention of the people from the Adani case : Pratibha

 State Congress President MP Pratibha Singh has strongly criticized the sending of police to the house of former All India Congress Committee President MP Rahul Gandhi, saying that BJP is insulting the elected representatives in a democracy by misusing the investigative agencies. She has said that BJP is trying to harass their leader due to their political vendetta, which Congress will never tolerate.

Pratibha Singh in a statement said here today that the BJP is setting a wrong precedent by framing such cases against its political opponents which is very unfortunate.

Pratibha Singh has also termed the hue and cry against Rahul Gandhi in the House as a deliberate strategy of the BJP, saying that all this to run away from the discussion on the Prime Minister’s relationship with Adani and to avoid the JPC investigation of this whole matter. She said that Rahul Gandhi wants to speak in the House but he is not being allowed to speak. She said that if any allegation is leveled against any MP in Parliament regarding any of his statements, then he has every right to answer them inside the House itself. She said that this is happening for the first time that the ruling party BJP is not allowing the House to function. She said that the BJP is trying unsuccessfully to divert the attention of the people from the Adani case and to divert the attention of the people from the great economic scam in the country, while lakhs of crores of people have drowned in SBI and LIC.

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