11 yrs after the foundation of the bridge Balog Panchayat still faces the apathy of the Government 

 Kasumpti Assembly constituency of Shimla district continues facing the neglect of subsequent government as it is still backward in the road and communication. A foundation stone was laid for building a bridge on the Giri River in the assembly constituency in 2012 by the former CM Prem Kumar Dhumal but still it has to see the light of day.

Sharing agony and anguish over the negligence of subsequent government local residents alleged that three governments remained under the rule for 11 years, not even a single brick has been laid for the motorable bridge over the Giri river connecting Sirmaur below Lakhoti.  

The inauguration plate speaks for itself that on August 20, 2012, a foundation stone was laid by former Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal on the Giri river of Dublu-Lakhoti-Shargaon road in the Junga area, in which a 75-meter span bridge was proposed to be constructed. 

The bridge was proposed in the Balog Panchayat to connect the Shargaon areas of the Sirmaur district on the border through the bridge. Villagers blamed BJP and Congress’s successive government for playing politics with them as they alleged that the foundation stone of the bridge was laid in August 2012 and the government changed when the assembly elections were held in December.  

This Panchayat of Kasumpti being the assembly constituency of Shimla district could not extend the minimum bus and road services. Due to the lack of bridge people of this area have to travel about 43 km via Gowda to reach Shargaon.

They said that bridge may reduce the distance of travel to villagers from 43 km to eight kilometers.  The people of the area say that the officials of the department putting the blame on the government that no provisions of the budget was made by any chief minister so far.

They say that  MLA from Kasumpati and currently Cabinet Minister Anirudh Singh Rana who is blue blood could not provide funds for the construction of this bridge however he is also putting this bridge scheme in his MLA priority licit since 2015-16, but to date, no provision of funds has been made for the construction of this bridge.  

Expressing a strong reaction over the neglect by the government  State President of Kisan Sabha, Dr. Kuldeep Tanwar states despite having a foundation stone on the bank of the Giri river, how could any government in office play with the emotions of the people.

 Assistant Engineer Junga Gurmel Chand told that a DPR of about 11 crores of this bridge has been prepared and sent to the government for approval on January 2022.

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