Landslide in Chamba, 7 people died: Hans Raj

BJP State Vice President and MLA Hansraj said that a very painful accident has happened in Chamba this morning and it has completely exposed the negligence of the government and PWD’s XEN.

Today, around 9 o’clock in the morning, seven people have died due to the collapse of a mountain on Chamba Teesa Pangi Road, out of which two were local people and the rest were policemen.

He said that we had got this road closed by persistently pleading with the government, but the government had reopened this road, we had also informed the government earlier but the government remained silent. The mountain was continuously falling, the public was watching but the government did not take any action.

He said that the BJP demands that an FIR should be lodged immediately against the government officer Joginder Sharma, working in the PWD, because such a big accident has happened in Chamba today due to his negligence.

We had continuously informed the government about this through social media and written medium, but the government did not take any action to prevent this accident.

The negligence of the government is constantly visible in the entire state and if this type of negligence is not curbed, the people of Himachal will always be in danger.

A high level inquiry committee should also be set up regarding this accident and the government should present its stand in front of the public.

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