Himachal Congress leaders today paid tribute to Rajiv Gandhi on his birth anniversary

State Congress leaders today paid tributes to Bharat Ratna former Prime Minister Late Rajiv Gandhi on his birth anniversary at Congress Headquarters Rajiv Bhawan. During this, the party leaders remembered his important contribution to the country while offering flowers in his photograph.
Remembering Rajiv Gandhi, State Congress President and MP Pratibha Singh said that he will always be remembered as the father of the IT and telecom revolution in the country. He said that 50 percent of reservations for women in Panchayati Raj institutions in the country and the right to vote for all 18-year-old youth is due to them. He said that the nation can never forget his contribution
Health Minister Colonel Dhaniram Shandil, Public Works Minister Vikramaditya Singh, CPS Mohan Lal Brakta, All India Congress Committee Spokesperson Theog MLA Kuldeep Singh Rathore, Shimla Mayor Surendra Chauhan were among those who paid homage at Rajeev Bhawan, state Congress office. Apart from Adarsh ​​Sood, Anand Kaushal, Vineet Gautam, Sudhir Azad, Devendra Bushehri, Ved Prakash Thakur, Bhupendra Kanwar, Zainab Chandel, Deputy Mayor Uma Kaushal, Councilors of Municipal Corporation Shimla, Former Councilors, Spokesperson Surjan Singh Jogata, GS Tomar, Block President Gopal Sharma, Ram Krishna Shandil, Kanwar Narendra Singh, District Council Vice President Surendra Retka, Kisan Congress Spokesperson Kanwar Ravinder Singh, Dr. Mast Ram Singh Biru, Satpal, Sandeep Chauhan, Shanta Rajta, Shashi Thakur, Pushpa Shobhata, Vrinda Singh, Banita Verma, Satya Verma, Tanu Chauhan, Ruma Sharma, Vina Vij, Lokeshkevari, Babli Salotra, Neha, Anil Chauhan, Additional Mahila Congress, Youth Congress, Congress Seva Dal, Student Organization NSUI and a large number of Congressmen were present.

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