CM Sukhu asked for votes for Anand Sharma and Devendra Jaggi

Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu on Saturday said in the election public meeting in Naura of Sulh and Halehar Kalan of Kangra that BJP people are fake cow protectors, the work of cow protection is being done by the Congress government. We have made a provision to provide financial assistance of Rs 1200 for sending destitute animals to the cow shed. No farmer should leave his cattle loose and should bring them to the cow shed. Cowshed operators will also be given Rs 1200 per cow.

The Chief Minister said that the biggest land mafia of the state is the sold MLA of Dharamshala, Sudhir Sharma. In three years, he has bought 72 properties worth Rs 10 crore in the name of his driver Nek Ram. These are benami properties, investigation is going on, soon there will be milk of milk, water of water. Therefore, on June 1, people should vote to defeat money power. Himachal Pradesh’s economy has improved by 20 percent in a year. This has been possible by closing the backdoors of corruption.

Thakur Sukhwinder Singh said that the sellable leaders and the buying BJP must lose in the public court because it is necessary to maintain the strength of the vote. BJP wants to destroy democracy and run a dictatorship, but the people’s power has uprooted big dictators. My strength is the public, only the public will give a befitting reply to the BJP in the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. Our government has fulfilled 5 out of 10 guarantees in its 15-month tenure. BJP is not able to digest this. BJP leaders are making meaningless statements out of anger.

Lok Sabha candidate Anand Sharma said that BJP intends to change the Constitution and parliamentary system. This has to be stopped, otherwise this will be the last election of Parliament. Two crore jobs were created, Rs 15 lakh came, inflation reduced, rupee strengthened. Not done. Ten years of BJP and ten years of UPA have to be compared. Ten years’ account will have to be sought from BJP. Prime Minister Narendra Modi should first tell about the old guarantee, do not talk about the new guarantee. It is important to remember demonetization. Don’t forget the farmers’ movement also. Remember what happened in Himachal disaster, it was not BJP but Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu who wiped the tears of the affected people. BJP leaders only did politics, the central government did not give even a penny.

During this, Lok Sabha candidate Anand Sharma, Chairman and MLA Raghuveer Bali, former MLA Surendra Kaku, former MLA Jagjivan Pal, Chairman Sanjay Chauhan, Block President Nageshwar Mankotiya, Brigadier DVS Rana, Observer MLA Rajkumar, Sanjay Rana etc. were present.

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