INDIA Gathbandhan to Form Government on June 4: Mallikarjun Kharge

Kharge, after addressing an election rally at Rohru, expressed confidence that Prime Minister Modi is likely to lose the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He criticized Modi’s divisive rhetoric, accusing him of attempting to split the nation along religious and caste lines. Kharge claimed that Modi falsely blames the opposition for plans to alter the constitution and disrupt reservation policies, which he insisted is a misrepresentation of their intentions.

Kharge emphasized the need for the Prime Minister to act as a statesman rather than fostering divisions among Hindus and Muslims, Dalits and backward classes, and urban and tribal populations. He highlighted the unaddressed vacancies and backlog for SC/OBC posts, criticizing Modi for neglecting these issues over the past decade and only now making empty promises to secure votes.

Addressing the unfulfilled promises made by Modi to the people of Himachal Pradesh in 2014 and 2019, Kharge noted that the Central government failed to respond to a Rs 9900 crore memorandum submitted for monsoon rain devastation. He also pointed out unmet commitments, such as reducing import duties on apples, establishing fruit processing plants, and creating youth employment opportunities.

Kharge accused the BJP of destabilizing the Congress-led state government, which won a substantial majority in 2022, using money and muscle power. He cited instances in other states, including Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, and Manipur, where the BJP allegedly toppled stable governments.

He alleged that the BJP uses central agencies like the Enforcement Directorate (ED), the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), and the Income Tax Department to coerce opposition leaders. Kharge highlighted the case of INDIA alliance Chief Minister Hemant Soren, who was targeted by the ED with a false case after refusing to join the BJP.

Kharge criticized the BJP’s practice of welcoming opposition leaders accused of corruption into their fold, likening the party to a “big washing machine” that cleanses their misdeeds. He accused Modi of feigning reverence for rivers and gods while promoting divisive politics based on religion and regionalism.

Regarding employment promises, Kharge argued that the youth feel betrayed by Modi’s unfulfilled job assurances. He contrasted this with the Congress’s commitment to providing Rs 400 per day under MNREGA. Kharge emphasized the Congress’s successful governance after winning 209 seats in 2009 and expressed confidence in the INDIA alliance’s ability to form the government.

Kharge also demanded transparency from the Election Commission of India (ECI), urging it to publish detailed voting data on its website. He argued that with computerized data available, there should be no delay in releasing this information.

Finally, Kharge condemned Modi’s tactics of creating fear among the populace, asserting that the BJP’s bulldozer politics targets minority communities, further polarizing the nation.

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