Eco-friendly Traditional Craft for Serving Cuisine in Himachal Pradesh

Leaf plates and bowls commonly called “Pattal” and “Duna” respectively are common for serving food during family and religious functions in H.P. Keeping in view this JICA HP Forestry project planned a holistic approach of setting of mechanized facility to maintain
standards in manufacturing, capacity building of the community groups in this activity of leaf plate bowl making for SHGs in Mandi District of H.P. This was invented since the existence of human beings. Modern science validated and justified use of forest tree species leaves such as Tor (Bauhinia vahlii), Banana and some other plant leaves for serving food keeping in view the antibacterial properties of leaf extract which was used traditionally for treatment of urinary tract infection, diarrhea and food poisoning. Un-knowingly, the leaf plate also serves to add antioxidants and medicinal contents of the leaves to food for health benefits to the consumers. The custom of traditional food (Dham) serving on green fresh leaf plates to people sitting in systematic lines ( commonly called “Gher”) irrespective of their status during marriages, family functions, local deity gathering in villages, community feasts and political rallies etc in the state of Himachal Pradesh symbolizes the universal brotherhood. In traditional Indian system eating food on clean virgin leaf plate with hands connects senses and organs with mind. Experts recommend the practice of eating with hands by sitting on the floor is only way for the present generation for controlling problems of gastritis and obesity. However the plastic disposable plates made up of plastic
substances pose health risk with release of toxic compounds in contact with hot servings and after disposal in the surrounding environments. After disposal consumption of these non biodegradable plastic plates by the stray cattle and wild animals like monkeys in and around urban centres create diverse disorders and threatening health hazards to them. However the leaf plate if consumed by the animals provides good nutrition and health benefits to sustain their lives as well. Composting of used leaf plate as manure through Vermicomposting also provide additional avenues to the progressive groups to generate cash returns in eco way. The business of making “pattals” and “dunna” in Himachal Pradesh was main profession of the poorest cum poor of SC communities in selected locations. Invasion of factory made plastic plates and bowls fascinated people due to their cheep price and long shelf life harmed the
manufacturer of leaf plate the most. Many had to abandon their traditional businesses of leaf plate and related item with time. Few families without any other option could continue to do the business on order and survived this so called plastic boom which now has become a serious environmental and health problem. The ban on use of colored polythene bags manufactured from recycled plastic was initially imposed on Jan 1, 1999 in HP. Later in 2004, the ban was imposed under Section 7(h) of the State Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Control) Rules on the use of polythene bags having thickness less than 70 microns and size less than 18″x12″. Govt. of
Himachal Pradesh was also awarded for this important regulation by the then Centre Government. Situation with ban on single use plastic use from July 1, 2022 is also expected to improve environment in Himachal Pradesh better than any other states keeping in view the many traditional alternatives to replace volumes of plastic plates and bowls with leaf plates and bowls prepared by the village women groups trained under JICA HP Forest project and other department initiatives of rural women empowerment.

Biodegradable leaf plates possess potential in national and international market provided manufacturing design and quality standards are maintained. Sh Onkar Chand Sharma, Principal Secretary Department of Forests in General Body Meeting of the JICA HP Forestry Project on 10 Nov. 2022 emphasized to develop this vocation of the Patal Making for economic upliftment of poor households and make people use leaf plate to consume food in a healthy manner. JICA HP Forestry project planned planting of more plants of the species Bauhinia vahlii (Tor) in the forest adjoining to villages of trained Self Help Groups for regular supply of quality leaves
mentioned Nagesh Gularia, IFS, Addl. Pr. CCF & Chief Project Director (JICA), Project for Improvement of Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystems Management & Livelihood. SHGs involved in leaf plates and bowl making received large number of orders for the supply after ban on Single Use Plastic is July 2022 and were regularly supported with skills and financial support
from JICA HP Forestry Project.

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