New Year celebration cancel on Ridge, DC attributes Covid alert,Hawkish massage making round in Social Media

New Year celebration organized after gap of two years was suddenly cancelled this evening , official sources attributes Covid alert and hawkish massage indicated that a entity is planning to carry out the bomb blast at the Ridge on new year celebration.
A letter issuing bomb scare went viral on Social Media which was issued by SP Shimla to all the SDPOs and SHOs.
Deputy commissioner Shimla Aditya Negi said that Ridge Celebration was cancelled due to increasing flux of tourist and new year revelers as a threat to spike Covid infection.
The police which remained deployed on new years celebration on the ridge in massive numbers also carried out inspection by the dog squad and eight metal detectors were also installed on the ridge after it was evacuate around 1730 hrs.
Local police officer posted in the intelligence unit told us that there is bomb scare and security alert by the intelligence agencies forcing to not allowed the Public and new year revelers to gather on Ridge.
Deputy commissioner said that people are requested to move their hotel as it is not safe to Assemble on the Ridge or mall road.
A letter which was not verified by the senior police officer so far attributed that a security input of bomb blast was there to cancel the new year celebration.

“Input is  regarding threat to Public places attributing according to reliable sources stated that one Pakistan based entity is planning to carry out bomb blast at Shimla Ridge during new year celebration and a location is yet be identified in Haryana ” the letter indicated.
Thus letter making round in Social Media yet not denied for its authenticity so far which cautions SHOs and  all Sub division police officers of this district directing them to keep watch over activities of antinational and anti-social elements and also strength checking in their respective jurisdiction .
The alert letter also directed to take necessary preventive and precautionary measures to maintain law and order ,Cary out  frequent checking of hotels, sarai, Gurudwaras, mosques, temples, Churches, bus stand, Railway stations, hospital, Educational Institutions, Tourist places, Army, , vital installation and crowded places and also intensify nakabandi and night patrolling their respective jurisdictions.
 Directions were also issued to SHOs and SDPOs to maintain sharp vigil over the activities of migrant laborer’s especially Kashmiris.
 Directions also issued to conduct checking of movement of people or migrant or casual labor who have recently came from outside the state.
In view of the above threat police officers are directed to keep watch over the activities of antinational and anti-social elements who may pose threat to security of nation and take preventive measures accordingly .
The letter which was e mailed to all police officer the district attributed scare of bomb blast to an input received on Dec 31, 2021 through a from state SB Punjab and handed over to SP Shimla by ADGP / CID Shimla-9.
So far police said that law and order is in control and new year parties and Celebration is continuing without any untoward mishap in other places of town and state.
President of Shimla hotel and restaurant association Mahinder Seth condemned the police action stating that they troubled Tourist and new year’s revelers as they were not informed in time about Covid or security alert 

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