Mercury to plummets to normal in December, normal to above Winter rainfall

Indian Meterogical Department today made weather state forecast for this winter season  predicting plummeting normal minimum temperature and normal to above rainfall. Spokesman of IMD said in weather bullitein that during the upcoming winter season (December 2022 to February 2023), state likely witness normal to above normal minimum temperature in many parts of Northwest India. Maximum temperatures are likely above normal over most parts of the northwest India during the upcoming winter season. Monthly rainfall over the country as a whole during December 2022 is most likely to be below normal ( above  71 per cent of Long Period Average (LPA)). In northwest India normal to below normal rainfall is likely. The probability forecast for the minimum temperatures indicates that during December 2022, monthly minimum temperatures are most

likely to be below normal over some parts of northwest India. Normal to above normal minimum temperatures are most likely over some parts Northwest India. The maximum temperatures are above normal over some parts of Northwest India. Normal to below normal maximum temperatures are likely over some parts of northwest India.

The forecast suggests that below-normal rainfall is most likely over most parts of the country and some pockets of extreme Northwest India state would have normal rainfall.

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