Unauthorised construction: MC slaps notice to five dozens in Solan
CRACKING down on the violators of Municipal Corporation (MC) laws, the authorities of Solan MC has slapped notices on 60 persons found involved in carrying out unauthorized constructions in the town.
The action has been initiated following reports of growing violations of MC laws and spate in
unauthorized construction in Municipal Corporation, Solan limits. This was despite the issuance
of notices under relevant provisions and knowingly the legal consequences, people are still constructing illegal structures.
MC commissioner Rajeev Sharma said, “We have initiated strict action against such unauthorized and illegal construction undertaken within MC limits. So far, Notices under Section 253(1), 254(1), 254(2) and 254(6) of the H.P. Municipal Corporation Act,1994 read with Section 83-B of the H.P. Town And country Planning Act,1977 have been issued against about Sixty persons”.
He said that Section 253(1) of the Act provides demolition of unauthorized construction, whether completed or commenced or being carried on, whose cost is to be borne by violator itself. Section 254(1) requires the person carrying unauthorized construction to stop the same immediately. In case, the owner, occupier of the land or building on whose behest unauthorized construction has been commenced or being carried out, fails to comply the directions to immediately stop the work, then the Corporation has power under Section 254(2) to direct police to remove all the persons present within the premises where unauthorized construction has been commenced or is being done. Apart from power to direct demolition or stop the unauthorized work,
Sharma said that commissioner has also been empowered under Section 2546) of M.C. Act and 83-B of the H.P. Town and Country Planning act 1977 to withdraw “No objection Certificate” (NOC) issued for the civil amenities like electricity, water, sewerage connection etc. Further, there is stringent provision of imposition of fine amounting to Rs.5000/- and daily fine of Rs. 500/. For example if any person does not demolishes unauthorized construction for one year he would be liable to pay fine of 5000:- +1, 82,500/-(1, 87,500).
Rajeev Sharma urged the residents of M.C. area Solan who involved in carrying out or completed the unauthorized works to stop the same immediately and demolish the same at their own level failing which they would be liable for the action taken. He appealed the citizens of newly added wards in Municipal Corporation, Solan, not to commence or carry on any construction work without the approval of the M.C. Solan, as mandated by the Act.