There is such huge public anger against the government of only one year in the state: Bindal

Bharatiya Janata Party State President Dr. Rajiv Bindal said in his statement that the condition of the present Congress government of Himachal Pradesh is worsening daily. Thousands and thousands of people are taking to the streets every day to express their anger against the government. He said that thousands of people blocked Dharamshala yesterday. They took to the streets and protested against the state government’s policy. The Institute of Central University to be built in Dharamshala is being deliberately stalled on political grounds. The present Congress government is working only by ignoring the specific place and harming the particular area.

State President Dr. Rajeev Bindal said that there has never been such huge public anger against a government of only one year in Himachal Pradesh. Perhaps the ghosts or the future, that is, the unemployed are worried, about whom they had promised that they would provide jobs. The sisters are worried, to whom various types of guarantees were given. Farmers are worried, the present government has cheated the farmers by making various promises. After that nature is also angry, which is not raining.

He said that the present Congress government does not see any work of any kind other than blaming the Bharatiya Janata Party for the total failures of its government.

Questioning the present government, Dr. Rajeev Bindal said that if even one work has been done for the people of Himachal Pradesh within a year, then it should be told to them. The relief package that the present government is talking about is being divided within that relief package and the real people are being ignored.

He said that Himachal Pradesh is being given all the relief from the money of the Central Government and the State Government is only imposing its own level and is also trying to do politics over it. Taking a jibe at the present state government, he said that the government should come directly among the people and make the public aware of its work, what work has the government done?

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