The CoM may opens School from classes 9 to 12 strandard

The Council of Minister of Himachal Pradesh likely to take some decisionto partly open the Schools in the high classes right from ninth to 12th on the guidlines of otherstates as the cabient meetnig was convened here on Thursday .
Sources in the Govt said that agenda likely to be figure in the CoM would opening of school forsake of guidence or griences of students right from ninth to 12 with effect from August 1, 2021 moreover state government already has annouced to allow the Coaching acedemy or tution classesto run operation after it has halted in the month of April this year due to outbreak of 2nd wave ofCovid-19.
There are reports that Government is not in mood to open the school in the junior strandard rightfrom primary to middle sections on the line of other state Governments and probably the guidlines drawn by the Union Govt.
The nonoperation of schools in the state imacting the state economy as their is no demand in the marketsof the fruit and vegitables despite the half of the acedmic session is over. Now it is very common thatstudents are skipping their online classes could be found plying in the open places with easing out the restritions with relaxation of Covid protocals.
The Government schools mostly in the rural areas are findign it very hard to run the show with help ofonline classes due to low high end smartphon, lack of internet facilities and frail mobile signal as wells \poor internent bandwidth. 
The state move to parlty open the higher educaitonal instititions and professional colleges would ease outthe science studnets to condct the lab testings and practical works which have been hampered due to theconfinement of students to their homes for last two years.
Professional colleges in Punjab and other neibouring states have been opened recently however state Govenrment expected to allow the classes to open including Medical colleges, Enignering Colleges and otherinstititions.
ICMR new studies showed that children are developing the resistance againsit the Covid pandemic fastcompared to young people have most of them are found with antibodies in their testings. The State Government not expected to open the primary schools and Middle sections as it may not risk the reliance of new ICMR studies on thechildren.
State Government have already taken decisions to recall teachers to schools after their vaccination on thewar footing. 

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