The 30 th Science Congress will commence in IIT Mandi
The 30 th Science Congress will commence on 31 st December, 2022 in IIT Mandi and the
closing ceremony shall be held on 3 rd January, 2023. Sh. Rajesh Dharmani, Hon’ble Member
Legislative Assembly Vidhan Sabha shall be the Chief Guest during the closing ceremony
and Sate level winners shall be awarded during the closing ceremony. Himachal Pradesh
Council for Science, Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE), since its inception during
the year 1986, has been involved in promoting and popularisation of Science & Technology
across the State at different platforms. As a part of its mandate, science popularisation at
school level is one of the foremost and important programme of the Council and is organised
in the form of Children Science Congress at different levels like the sub division, district and
finally the State level. In this series, the 30 th State Level Children Science Congress is being
organised at IIT Mandi from 31 st December, 2022 to 3 rd January, 2023 in collaboration with
IIT Mandi, Department of Education and the National Council for Science & Technology
Communication (NCSTC), a wing of Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.
More than 800 participants mainly including students, teachers and resource persons shall
participate in this Science Congress from different districts of the State. The HIMCOSTE has
a wide outreach through Science Congress and 24,346 (Twenty Four thousand Three hundred
Forty six) Child Scientists from about 4000 schools across the State have registered in this
years’ Children’s Science Congress Programme.
During the 30 th Science Congress, the 6th-12th class students will participate in different
activities like Scientific Project Report, Science Activity Corner, Mathematical Olympiad,
Science Quiz, Innovative Science Model and Science Skit. Based on the performance of the
students, the best 16 students in the category of Scientific Project Report will be nominated to
participate at the National Level Science Congress, which is going to be held at Ahmadabad,
Gujarat from 28-31 January 2023. Besides this, the participation of such large number of
students and teachers in the Science Congress at IIT Mandi will provide an opportunity to
interact with the Faculty of IIT Mandi and also provide access to visit the lab facilities such
as Robotics Lab, tinkering lab and see other technological innovations. This exchange of
knowledge shall immensely benefit the participating students and teachers.