Sukhu assures name of MLAs on the inauguration plates
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu assured the assembly on Friday that the names of Members of the assembly would be included in the inauguration plates and if any plates were removed they would be placed in their old places.
Replying to a point of order raised by BJP members, the CM said that the Leader of the Opposition has raised the inauguration plate would be placed at Samvad Bhavan at CM’s residence at Oakover, Chief minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said while replying to a query of opposition in the state assembly during question hours.
He said that an order would be issued to know about removing of inauguration plate and plaque of the opposition MLA if it would have been removed without flowing rule such the inauguration plate would have been restored. He said the inauguration plate name of Congress leader Kaul Singh Thakur was placed since he was taking honor of the government and being a member of the 20 points program. There is no wrong to put the name of the former Minister or MLA would be placed on the new inauguration plates.
Mr Sukhu said that no one in his government passed the order to remove such plates and he would direct the officer to verify the complaint of members. He said that no lift exists in the Chief Minister residence and he was not aware if any imagination plate of former Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur exists and it has been removed. He said that he would ensure that if any inauguration plates have been removed they would be placed in their old place. The chief minister in lighter vein said that it was interesting that the former Chief Minister also placed inauguration plates in his residence.
Puran Chand of Darang and Rakesh Jamwal of Sundernagar raised the issue before the question hours that the name of MLA is not being placed on the inauguration plate. Mr Puran Chand alleged that the name of Kaul Singh Thakur was placed on the inauguration plate in Darang and his name was removed.
Leader of Opposition Jai Ram Thakur said that the inauguration plate of the CM’s residence was removed by the state government officials. He said that he had dedicated a Samvad Bhavan to facilitate the general public in CM’s residence at Oak over when he was chief minister and also inaugurated the lift for helping the people there but both the plates are missing. Mr. Thakur challenged the Chief minister that he must show the rule which says that names of former MLAs and any former MLA taking government honorarium could be placed on the inauguration plates.