Students found Covid positive, HPLNU postpone Exams
Students of Himachal Pradesh National Law University Shimla at Ghandal postpone the examination of many classes here on today after many students found Covid positive in the campus. A notification issued by the Registrar of of HPNUL said that all students of B.A. B.B.A. LL.B. (FYIC) 2nd , 4th , 6th , 8th and 10th Semester and one – year LL.M. program (2nd Semester) who are currently going through term end examinations , June , 2022 is hereby postponed till further notice . The examination shall be held in physical mode and new examination schedule shall be notified in due course. The notification said that baring those students who have been tested COVID positive, all students residing in the hostel of the University are required to vacate the hostel immediately within two days. No hostel resident shall retain the hostel accommodation . After vacating the hostel , the residents are required to submit the keys of the rooms to the respective wardens of the hostels . Earlier to this notification the students of Himachal Pradesh National Law University, have requested Administeration to take cognizance of the prevalent COVID Outbreak in the university. “Few students are quarantined and several others were recently tested positive (Last night),” stated the students. Students told that university conducted many social events like the 16th National Youth Parliament & Guest Lecture series. They alleged that such social events of the college led to the outbreak of Covid and is prevalent in students who were part of such events.
College & government authority had announced yo conduct RTPCR testing of the whole campus but was not done as only limited testing was conducted. “And that too for limited time period after which the medical authority left,” they stated. The limited infrastructure of the college is also prohibiting them from maintaining a safe social distance. The students are facing issues like sharing the same hostel room & common mess for meals with their symptomatic university mates. It worthwhile to mention that outbreaks were noted in other NLUs like RMLNLU (Lucknow), RGNUL(Patiala) & GNLU (Gujarat), the campuses were also closed recently.