Pay anomalies : A Committee constitued to analyse grevievances of constabulary
Director General of Himachal Pradesh Police Sanjay Kundu today constitued a committee tocomprehensively analyze the grievance of the constabulary regarding their pay anomaly.
Spokesperson of state police said in a Twitter post that committee has been directed to submit its report within one week so that the issues can be taken up with the Govt. of HP on priority.
DGP decided to comprehensively analyze the grievance of the constabulary regarding their pay anomaly.
The chairman of the committee would be IPS and IG(controller) Mr Anand Pratap Singh, Member, IG Admin and IPS Mr. D.K.Yadav, IPS IG ( AP & T ) J.P. Singh , and Dy. Controller ( F & A ) , PHQ Mr. Vikash Gupta.
Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Committee shall be as (1) to receive all the issues in the form of Memorandum, in writing from the affected parties and list the issues which need to be taken with the Government of Himachal Pradesh. (2) Go through the provisions of the Police Act, Police Rules and instructions issued by the Government from time to time and (3) recommend the action to be taken at PHQ and Government level for the redressal of pay anomaly.
Study the practices and provisions being adopted in other States regarding recruitments , pay scales or release of pay scales to the constabulary and make specific recommendations .
Study the provisions of pay scales , terms of regularization , release of pay scales in other Departments of the State Government , who have been recruited in the analogous grade and scale .
Study the need and justification for Assured Career Program of the Government of HP, recruited in analogous grade and pay scale.
The modealities and issues before the Committee would be of pay anomaly and other issues of constabulary who have been recruited after 2015 .
The Department has received Memorandums in writing and through media and social media about alleged resentment of constables who are recruited after 2015.
In the past as well , issues pertaining to pay anomaly and welfare of members of the police force have been taken up with the Government of H.P. , and matter has also been deliberated at various other forums.