Out of 27 PSUs of HP Govt 20 running in the losses : CAG

Himachal Pradesh Government owns 27 public sector units twenty of them
are running at loss and only seven in profits .

The CAG report for year 2019 highlighted that the state Government has 27 PSUs out of which two are statutory
corporations and 25 Govt companies ( including three inactive ones). The report said that working of PSUs registering
turnover tune to Rs 9, 181.99 Cr as per their latest Finalised accounts. This turns over was equal to 5.97 per cent of
state Gross Domestic Product(GSD) at current prices for the year 2018-19
Audit report shows that total investment in the 27 PUSs as on Mar 31, 2019 was rS 20,338.66 Cr out of
which the state Government had contributed Rs 15,287.60 Cr.

Four PSUs are in power sectors, net worth of one PSU was completely eroded , During 2018-19 none of the
power sectors PUS earned profit.

20 PSUs working in other than the power sector  only 13 could finalise its accounts. As per the latest finalised accounts
net worth eroded completely in eight PSUs and out of seven p;rifiting making PUSs only three could declared or paid
dividend of Rs 2.25 Cr.

In the power sector’s compliance Audits the report highlighted total financial implications of Rs 421.69 Cr as these  findings of
the audits report  mainly attributed to Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board limited. The board as on Mar 31, 2019 owns
22 Hydro Electric Projects  with total installed capacity of 487.45 Mega watt the power generation from these projects during
\2016-19 was 5,599.49 million units . Working of seven HEP which included three mega, two small and two mini hydel
projects were scrutinized for the audit. These projects constituted 69 per cent of tial installed capacity and generated 65 to 73 pc of total
electricity produced by all the HEPs.

The report findings on the HEPs of state electricity board said that avoidable lapses in operation and maintenance ofby the Company
resulted in generation loss of 715.65 MU equivalent to Rs 393 .97 Cr even after spending Rs 265.94 Cr on Operation and

The plant availability factor(PAF0 in four projects remained low between 10 to 62 per cent while the Plant Load factor(PLF)
was below 60 per cnet benchmark fixed by the central electricity authority.

Report p;ara also said that frequent breakdown and low generation (Rongtong and Rukti projects0 deprived the beneficiaries
of the border areas of quality and uninterrupted power. In the Giri HEP lack of silt removal , significantly reduced  the storage
capacity of thereservior and adversely affected its generation capacity.

Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited did not levy charges of Rs 3.80 Cr for unauthorised use of power. Due to
non-adherence to provisions of the supply code, the HPSEB lost its right to initiate action for levy of fixed charges resulting
in a revenue loss of Rs 3.76 Cr.

HPBSEB did not apply the tariff orders issued in April 2013 and Aug 2014 by Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory \
Commission, leading to short recovery of Rs 1.78 Cr.

Other than Power Sectors five PSU’s compliance audits have total financial implication of Rs 15.58 Cr and highlighted
the deficiencies in the management of state Govt companies . Absence of mechanism for daily and monthly reconciliation
of amount deposited by the licensees and lifting of stock against these led  to sale of liquor Rs 5.96 Cr on credit basis and
lifting of the liquor Rs 3.79 Cr by using fake and tampered unique Transaction references (UTRs) without depositing payment
with Himachal Pradesh Beverages limited resulting in non- recovery of Rs 9.69 Cr.

Himachal Pradesh State forest Development Corporation Limited made employer’s contribution to employees Provident Funds at
a rate Exceeding the Prescribed rate of contribution, resulting in excess contribution of Rs 2.87 Cr.   Failure of management in monitoring the actual
discount being provided by oil companies resulted in excess expenditure of Rs 1.39 Cr to Himachal Road Transport Corporation.

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