Moto rail car derails : Movement of trains suspended on Kalka Shimla Rly line 

Motor car derailed on Shimla -Kalka railway track between Taradevi -Shoghi at suburbs of this capital town. A Railway spokesperson said that five  passengers were on boarding a rail motor car when mishap occurred but all occupant are safe as no one has been hurt. Following Complaint of derailment police personnel from Shimla Railway police station rushed to spot who are taking stock of the situation to finds any fowl play behind the derailment. The Rail Motor (No. 72451) derailed on the narrow gauge Shimla Kalka heritage when it went uncontrol. After the accident, the operation of trains between Kalka – Shimla has been stopped for the time being.   At present, the operation of rail has been stopped on Shimla-Kalka railway track. On the railway track.  The movement of trains woulf be started soon after making it ascertain that track is safe for the movement of other trains. Daily about five to six trains run up and down on the rail line along with a special rail motor on  special booking. The heritage trains were booked by the tourists as it was dedicated for recreational activities only.

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