Monsoon derails normal life in Himachal, Cloud burst washes away livestock
Late unprecedented Monsoon rain derailed normal life in Himachal Pradesh causing massive demage to property and hampering road and other services. State Government spokesperson said on Wednesday that a cloud burst like rain washed away 55 sheep and goats belonged to three persons
at Fer Nullah of Gronda village under Holi Tehsil of Chamba district. Rescue and relief teams were constitued to trace the livestock founds that sheeps and goats buried under the debris. The Cattle Owner are identified as
Dhani Ram S/o Tipu Ram, Daleep Chand S/o Pal Ram and Jai Singh S/o Dhumnu Ram all residents of Village Gronda. Mishap took place around 16 hrs on Thursday. District Administration have also sent a team of revenue officers to access the loss cause by the rain. Including state capital Shimla all places in the hill states recorded unprecedented incessant rain which also uprooted the trees. Shimla old ISBT to Chauotshimla -Khalini roads partly affected as a massive Deodar tree blocked the main road near State Forest HQ office. However latter road was cleared. Continue rain also affected plucking of Apple season in high-altitude area of Shimla and Kinnaur district and many link roads were closed. Water level of rivers and rivlut also increase in the state however according to disaster Management authority most of them are below danger marks and water level is normal. Normally state witness withdrawal of SW monsoon till September 20 however delayed rain also affected the harvest of Kharif crops in the state. Till last night about 30 roads and power supply of 119 distribution transmission lines were affected by the rains. The Met Office forecast light to moderate rainfall during next 24hrs in the state and sky would be mainly cloudy.