Many Himachal students stranded at Ukraine CM to call EAM on Friday
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said that 60 students who are studying in various universities of Ukraine would be reached-out soon as he is making a call with the Indian External Affairs Minister today. Replying to the matter raised in the state assembly by Congress leader Mukesh Agnihotri through point of order Chief Minister said that Efforts are on to evacuate students stranded in Ukraine. He said that the State has written a letter to the Indian government seeking early return of the students. The Chief Minister said that the number of students from Himachal and all over the country in more than 2000 in number who are studying in various universities including medical courses are stranded in the Ukraine. Due to Covid the education has affected all over the wolds and most of the students who are stranded in Ukraine and other parts of world studying abroad recently joined their educational institutions as they were studying through online system. He said that war has been declared by Russia on Ukraine but it created the horror of more conflict. Students of Indian origins are not in panic but they are in touch with the Indian Embassy. We have written a letter to the Union Government. The Chief Minister said that the Indian Embassy in Ukraine should ensure the safety of students and they should be kept in a secured place by the Indian Consulate. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi talked with Putin last night and urged to end the deadlock. The State Government launched toll free number 1100 last night to help the family members of the stranded Himachal Student in Ukraine and 60 parents have lodged their complaints. The Chief Minister said that 200 children were evacuated from a flight yesterday but other Indian students could not evaluate that Airports were affected by the conflict before they could assist. He said that the Indian Government is in touch with Poland to evacuate Indian students. I would call the Indian External affairs Minister to reachout to the stranded pupils . State government wishes for the safe return of each and every citizen. As the house was to assemble for the 3rd day of the budget session, leader of Opposition Mukesh Agnihotri has drawn the attention of the house about the concerns of parents stating that a number of students belonging to the state are stranded in Ukraine. He accused the government of India of not taking serious efforts for timely evacuations of Indian students now trapped in various places in the war torn nation. Mukesh Agnihotri said that the Union government did not evacuate students and Indians in time before closing down flights. He said that airlines have increased the airfare from 25000 to 25000 Lakhs. Private Airlines are charging Rs 1.25 lakh , Rs 1.35 Lakh and Rs Rs 1.70 lakh airfare between Ukraine and Delhi. He urged the state government to ensure the safe returns of students and arrange how they could complete their study. He said that many parents are calling members of assembly to help them for early evacuation of the stranded students. They also addressed a press conference at Una yesterday.