Illicit mining & theft of riverside natural wealth
Illicit mining and theft on the riversides of natural sands, stone chips and gravel on link road Bhatrogalse to Puruwala continue uncheck 24×7 as dozens trucks and trolleys are being carrie to Vikasnagar and Dehradun in Uttarakhand from bank of Giri river.
Whistleblower, social workers making complaints to the officials to stop the illegal Trade happening openly under the nose of the Forest Department and Mine and Industry department.
A complainant lamented that few corrupt Forest officials may be involved in trafficking racket as they are ignoring mining and use of an alternative connecting road passing through Puruwala Forest Department land spreading around 6 km long area.
Illegal route of unpaved link road out of the river being used to load dozens of vehicles daily for different areas.
illegal mining is carried out on the bank of Giri river, most of the time
The black business is being run using alternative route from Bhatrog to Puruwala to catter the supply of private crushers.
Less populate and non-residential area around the Puruwala Forestand river making it as safe black heaven for illegal mining.
The illicit Trade being run efficient could not possible without involloment of departmental employees and officers.
The local people has made many complaints regarding the mining but departmental proceedings confined to record and rituals checking.
The illegal Trade is relentless as route to evecuate state wealth from the river side was not being intervene by the departmental as the connecting roads was constructed without seeking permission