Illegally acquired property worth Rs. 88 lacs frozen
Consequent upon seizure of 1.831 kilograms of charas/cannabis from the possession of Smt. Kirna Devi, resident of District Kullu and Sh. Vicky R/o District Chamba, a case FIR No. 77 dated 26.4.2021 was registered against them under the NDPS Act at Police Station Aut, District Mandi. Accused Sh. Lala Ram and Sh. Kamlesh Kumar was later arrested.
As per the provisions of Chapter VA of the NDPS Act, 1985, the financial investigation of the case was undertaken and freezing order was passed by SHO Aut Inspector Lalit Mahant. It was sent to the Competent Authority in Ministry of Finance, who confirmed the freezing ofthe following properties under section 68F(2) of the NDPS Act, 1985:-

1. House at village Malana, Kullu district valued at 55 lacs,
2. A hotel in government land at village Malana, Kullu district valued over 21 lacs,
3. Four vehicles owned by the accused persons and their relatives valued over 12 lacs and
4. Different bank accounts
The total value of the frozen property is over Rs 88 lacs.
The Himachal Pradesh Police continues “Zero Tolerance to Drugs”.