Himachal targets to be a ‘Green Energy State’ by 2025
The State Government is committed to make Himachal Pradesh a ‘Green Energy State’ by the year 2025. Chief Minister, Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu recently held a detailed meeting with the World Bank team to discuss the Green agenda of the State and the measures to be adopted to achieve the target of ‘Green Energy State’ by 2025, with the assistance of the World Bank.
The State Government is committed to make Himachal as the first non-polluted State by reducing carbon emissions completely. It was due to the strong pursuance of the Chief Minister that the World Bank expressed its keenness on Green Resilient Integrated Development programme for the state with Basin approach with an estimated cost size of Rs. 2500 crore (300 Million US dollars) depending upon the technical analyses, which may be enhanced further.
This step is going to be a landmark step for the transformation of State towards Green Resilient Himachal Pradesh. The State Government has fixed a time-bound action plan to achieve installation of 200 MW solar power energy projects in next nine months and state will acquire more land for the installation of 500 MW by end of the year 2024.
Apart from this, the Chief Minister has also made it clear that the State is all set to go ahead in line with National Green Hydrogen Energy Mission in a big way apart from the production.