Himachal Police bags first two ranking in All India Police Duty Meet
In the Office Automation (Event-II) organized on 14.02.2024 during the 67th All India Police Duty Meet at Lucknow, constable Vijay Kumar, No. 731, of 6th IRBN of Himachal Pradesh Police has secured first position bagging a Gold Medal and constable Aman Kumar of HPIPS PTC Daroh secured 2nd position in the Computer Awareness (Event-I) organized on Tuesday bagged Silver Medal.
The meet is organized by the Railway Protection Force (RPF) from 12.02.2024 to 16.02.2024. It is pertinent to mention here that there are 36 lakh police personnel all over India
The All India Duty Meet competitions still going on and the HP Police is holding first position with 161.88 marks.
Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has congratulated both the police personnel for their commendable achievements and bringing glory to the State and the department.