Himachal Govt doesn’t have a minute to meet us: SMC

the SMC union raised loud slogans against the state government. Through sloganeering, they tried to demand their rights from the government.

It was told by the members that we are asking for 10 minutes time from Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh but for the last three days he has not given us even a single minute time. We had even made a check for an amount for the disaster relief fund for the government, but this government does not even have time to collect it.

State President of SMC Teachers Association, Sunil Sharma said that we are trying to meet the Chief Minister regarding our demands and wanted to present the struggle of the last 12 years before him. We have not come to cause any sabotage, we have come to demand our rights peacefully. Our women comrades are on the streets, they are also known as nation builders, but today this same national builder is on the streets, it is a matter of shame. Our demand is that a permanent solution should be found for us and if it is not found then our protest will become more aggressive, we were given many assurances but all were bundles of lies.

The government has a huge disaster fund, but an amount of Rs 4500 crore has been sanctioned for the disaster and nothing for us. This is a betrayal to us. We are 2500 and are on the streets, our sisters have small children who are at home, we had also given the Chief Minister the option of meeting us at Oak Over, but he did not accept that too. The Congress Party had placed this prominently in its manifesto but it also turned out to be a big liar.

Indra Chauhan SMC member Chaupal said that the government should be ashamed, we ask where is our king, where is the Chief Minister missing. Himachal has become a ghost land and not a land of gods. We are also the daughter and daughter-in-law of this state, you don’t even want to see our face. Chief Minister, don’t force us all to assume the form of Chandi Kali. Perhaps you are asking us for human sacrifice, we will sacrifice our lives. You give us rights or poison us.

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