HC snubs state for violation of notifications of banning transfer 

Himachal Pradesh High court snubbed the state for blatant violation of its own notification of Transfer ban of employees terming Education department biggest litigant of the court cases. In 11 paged order passed by the division bench of justice Tarlok Singh Chauhan and justice Verinder Singh dismissed a writ petition on September 28 filed by the recently. The Court said that Petitioner a TGT arts teacher Anita Kumari  posted at  GSSS Girls Kotkhai. The court said that Petitioner should  seeking station of choice sitting medical grounds of her family . Court said that ,instead of being thankful to the almighty for providing her with the government job at the age of 47 years,

the petitioner is trying to seek comfort. None of the grounds on which the transfer is sought for could be held to be sufficient enough to accede to the request

of the petitioner. Once the petitioner is currently aged about 48 years, it requires no rocket science to assume that her in-laws,especially, mother-in-law, would obviously be in the 80’s and would also be facing age related issues but this is probably too for all those employees who are fortunate to have the parents,

in-laws or any of them alive. Even the averments regarding the so-called medical problems being faced by the petitioner are

totally unsubstantiated and, therefore, her request even on this ground cannot be acceded to. The Court not only dismissed the petition but also snubbed department and state of Himachal Pradesh in the verdict.  We may say with conviction state that Education Department is probably one of the biggest litigant before this Court and majority of these writ petitions only relate to the transfer and adjustment of the teachers. However, it is not the teachers alone, who are to be blamed for this, as even the government despite imposing ban on transfers by issuing notification(s) to this effect blatantly violates these notification(s).

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