Guilible facing cyber frauds from fake message on facebook & Amazon
Gullible people are on the target of cyber fraudsters as fake appeal being made from WhatsApp account and Amazon state police officers cautioned public State Cyber Cell ASP Nervir Rathore said in a advisory issued here today.”We want to make everyone aware of a new type of fraud through these appeal being made, He said that method of cheating is frauding one by putting the photos of the officers holding high posts of the state on WhatsApp as messages are being sent through officers or employees working under them. Amazon encourages to buy Gift Card or asks people for money in any bank account and through UPI. By purchasing Amazon Gift Card, the fraudster would ask for its number, due to which your amount would go to the fraud person. Fraud persons send messages to only those employees whose numbers are available on the department’s website. Cyber cell warned people by adopting security method 9n government numbers on which WhatsApp runs and are shown on your government website. Turn on two factor authentication on those numbers. Keep the privacy of your profile photo and before buying any type of Amazon Gift Card and before making any kind of payment, talk to your official.