ECI warns media to publish & Telecast exit & prepoll results
Election Commission of India sofar didn’t respond to various attempt of telecast & publication of prepoll & exit-poll for Himachal Pradesh and prepoll results of Gujarat today issued warning to not breach its order. Chief Electrol Officer Manish Garg took twitter to caution the media house and news bureau to not violates the restriction. He said that as
per S.126A of RP Act 1951, ECI has prohibited conduct of any Exit Poll & publishing or publicizing by print or electronic media or dissemination in any other manner, result of any exit poll of Assembly Elections of HP. He said that restrictions continue from 8:00 AM on Nov 12 to 5.30 PM on Dec 5 pm. ECI have imposed embergo on the exit poll as Gujarat assembly election are due on December 1 and 5. ECI have to preponed state assembly poll to Nov 12 as High altitude areas are affected by snowfall in coming months however counting of votes would be held on December 8 along with Gujarat. Variosirty of such opinion poll are under questions as exit poll for Himachal Pradesh was published a day ahead of polling. Himachal Pradesh went for Polling on November 12 but ECI banned exit poll for the state till December 5 till last phase of Polling in Gujarat. A Congress leader complains that fake prepoll and exit poll results are being published or telecast to keep tempo of rulling party in Gujarat by exserating the exit poll results of Himachal Pradesh in its favour. “Any person who contravenes the provisions of this section shall be punishable with
imprisonmentfor a term which may extend to two years or withfine or with both. ” notification issued today by ECI said. The, counting of votes for the said General Elections to Legislative Assemblies of
Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat is scheduled to be taken up on 08-12-2022.ECI have to supercedes October 28 notification of banning prepoll after number of complaint of its violation are reported.