Dr. Vinay Prabhakar Sahasrabuddhe, President, ICCR, New Delhi delivered 26th RKML

Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla organized 26th Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Memorial Lecture today on 07th December 2023 at India International Centre, New Delhi. Dr. Vinay Prabhakar Sahasrabuddhe, President, Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR), New Delhi delivered the auspicious lecture on ‘India’s Soft Power Prowess: Challenges and Responsibilities’

The memorial lecture is a tribute to the eminent Philosopher, the second President of India who handed over the Rashtrapati Nivas to the Ministry of Education for housing the Indian Institute of Advanced Study. Dr. Vinay Prabhakar Sahasrabuddhe is one of the eminent personalities who delivered the Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Memorial Lecture, the most important academic activities of the Institute.

The event commenced with lamp lighting. Professor Nageshwar Rao, Director, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla and Vice-Chancellor, IGNOU presented welcome address. Afterword Professor Shailendra Raj Mehta, Vice-Chairman, of the Institute and President and Director, MICA, Ahmedabad delivered his speech and Professor ShashiPrabha Kumar, Chairperson, of the Institute introduced the chief guest and threw light on the significance Radhakrishnan Memorial Lecture and the important lecture delivered in the series.

Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe said that Soft Power is a relatively new concept. Globally, today we speak about narratives and discourses as they are largely seen as forces shaping popular opinion. Like narratives, soft power is also a factor that both shapes as well as mirrors popular thinking, almost simultaneously. Centuries before India came to be known as India to the outer world, the influence of Indian culture had already spread across the seas. Many like noted American historian and philosopher Will Durant have candidly acknowledged the influence of India as place of origin of several spheres of knowledge. He added that the ‘ever ageing, never old’ characteristic of Indian culture makes it unique in many ways. Dr. Sahasrabuddhe threw light on the different aspects of India’s worldview. He said, the Unity inherent to our Diversity has enabled us not just to accommodate but also celebrate our all-pervasive diversity. He further elaborated that traditional Indian knowledge systems are crucial. These systems deeply rooted in philosophy, medicine, mathematics, and more, are often undervalued or misunderstood. Soft power is too important a subject to be left only to the Government alone to take care of. Shaping an enlightened popular understanding of the importance of soft power in the changing world has to be the topmost item on our agenda. To that end, people; both from within the country and outside can hugely contribute in multiple ways.

On this event the fellows, special invitees, Delhi based former fellows and IUC Associates attended the lecture along with their students. Shri Meher Chand Negi, the Secretary of the Institute gave a vote of thanks. Professor Malti Mathur moderated the event. The event ended with National Anthem.

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