Crime graph of henious crime like Rape, kidnaping & abudction increases in Himachal; Registration of crime cases decline

State Police today released the crime profile of  2021 in this hill state indicating rise  in the heinous offenses like rape, kidnapping and abduction including NDPS and economic offences.

Moreover, the government attributed the declining of registration of crime compare to previous years claiming enforcement of new evidence and predictable crime system.

Releasing detail data of various offences registered by the state police in 2021 and comparing it to last three years  Director General of State Police Mr Sanjay Kundu said that  heinous crime like rape, kidnapping and abuduction increased or not showed much improvement in the state in the year 2021 ending on Dec 31. 

State recorded as many as 359 cases of rape compared to 333 of year 2020 and 360 of 2019 and 345 of 2018. 

Similarly, the state registered about 429 cases of kidnapping and abduction that of 343 in 2020, 454 in 2019 and 476 in 2018.  

State registered as many as 488 cases of molestations in 2021 that of 539 in 2020 , 498 in 2019 and 515 in 2018. The crime cases registered for cruelty towards woman show some improvement with 222 cases in 2021 that of 258 in 2020, 119 in 2019 &183 in 2018.

Law and order and other serious crimes like Theft, Burglary,  Dacoity and Robbery increased with 475 ,  292, three and eight cases in 2021 compared to 347, 275 , two and eight in 2020, 477, 452, one and 12 in 2019 and 708 , 602,  one and nine in 2018 respectively. 

He said that cime against person and property has reduced as police taken strong action against organised crime, by sustained  action against illicit drug trafficking, liquor smuggling, illegal mining, DGP claimed.

Narctorics and Psycotropic Drug cases are unabatted with registration of 1537 cases under NDPS act in 2021 that of 1538 in 2020,1439 in 2019 and 1342 in 2018. 

DGP said that keeping the large number of cases by the sexuall offenders, missing of persons\and \drug peddlers separate registration bein down for these crime and the police are keeping vigil on big fishes

indulge in drug pedalling and trade. The efforts are being made to book the drugs rackters and peddlers under \ money laundering acts emphasising on the financial investigation and attaching their assets etc.

State recorded no improvement in the accidents cases which is continue to higher side despite expansion and 

improvement roads  infrastructures however the crime graph shows some decline during the Covid periods . 

As many as 2408 accident cases were recorded in 2021 that of 2236 in 2020, 2896 in 2019 and 3118  in 2018.

DGP said that black spots have been identified and remedial steps have been taken to reduce road traffic accidents, deaths and injuries, better analysis and resource deployment. 

State continue registered social crime like atrocities against the SC and ST people which shows higher registerations \ with the times as 224 cases were registered under SC/ST Act in 2021 that of 222 in 2020, 164 in 2019 and 92 in 2018 .

The cases of liquor smuggling increased to 2969 in 2021 that of 2819 in 2002, 2916 in 2019 and 2584 in 2018.

The crime includes illegal mining, and wildlife and forest acts showed less registration and improvement as 

130 cases were registered under Forest act in 2021, 169, 2020, 161 in 2019 and and 240 in 2018. 

State registered 13048 cases of heinous crime and serious crimes in 2021 with slight improvements compared

to 14799 cases of 2020 14477 cases of 2019 and 14623 cases in 2018.

The Economic, Social, health, law and order and environmental offences nd violations of laws increasing graph with

registration of 5785 such cases in 2021, 5831 in 2020, 5447 in 2019 and 4971 cases in 2018. 

In the Registration General crime, baring last years increasing trends is continue in  previous three years in crime cases as state recorded a total 19594 cases of crime in 2018, 19924 in 2019, 20630 in 2020 and  18833 in 2021.

 DGP said claiming that last years crime graph improved  owing to a predictive and evidence based policing system in the hill state.

State also recorded declining in registration of cases under others, less serious  laws and IPC offences in 2021 registered 5785 and 7270 cases in the state that of 5831 and 9154 cases in 2020.

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