Congress hold Jan Aakrosh rally at Dhalpur in Kullu Himachal

State Congress unit held a Jan Aakrosh rally at Dhalpur ground in Kullu on Monday to protest against anti farmer and anti people policies of Narendra Modi and Jai Ram Government.
Braving the light rainfall thousands of party office bearers and workers assembled in the rally which was attended by the HPCC chief Kuldeep Singh Rathore, Senior leader of Cong Kaul Singh Thakur, Congress leader in state assembly Mr Mukesh Agnihotri , former Cong President Kuldeep Kumar, Local MLA Sunder Singh Thakur Legislator Mr Vikramaditya Singh and many other leaders.
Addressing the public meeting Mr Rahtore said that every  sections of the society are facing the brunt anti people policies of the state and center rule .
” People who voted for the BJP in  Lok Sabha and Assembly election are  feeling cheated as prices of all essential commodities skyrocketing and beyond the paying capacity common men .” Cong leader alleged.
Poor could not afford two square meals in a day under the present rule due to faulty economic policies moreover unemployment showed sudden rise  shattering the budget of all poor and middle class people in the contrary, Mr Rahtore said
Alleging that pace of development is at a standstill which is reflected from the conditions of the roads and highway which are in pathetic conditions,  
Rathore urged  people come forward to support party candidate in by election for Mandi Lok Sabha. However the party did not announced any candidates for the parliamentary bye election however  they unanimously shouted slogans in favor of former MP Pratibha Singh.
CLP leader Mukesh Agnihotri alleged that the Election Commission is also following the behest of the BJP and postponed the by-elections indefinitely. He said that people are suffering from inflation and the government is unconcerned. 
” Jan Aakrosh rally has been launched from Kullu and these rallies would also be held other parts of state to defeat the ruling BJP government i 2022 assembly election. ” Mr Agnihotri said.
Shimla Rural MLA  Mr Vikramaditya Singh said that like Karnataka, Gujarat and Uttarakhand, the BJP can change the Chief Minister overnight in Himachal as well. He said that the BJP postponed the by polls due to the fear of defeat after receiving inputs from various agencies. 

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