Cleanliness drive conducted in Patgaihar school

During the Swachhta Pakhwada, a cleanliness drive was started on Monday in Government Senior Secondary School, Patgaihar, adjacent to Junga, with the support of the local Panchayat. During this, school children and local people collected plastic and other garbage from the entire village and the area around the school and managed it. On this occasion, the children and local people were administered the oath of cleanliness. Apart from this, the bushes that grew on the roads during the rainy season were also cleaned. Before this, the school children took out a rally in Patgaihar village and gave the message of cleanliness to the people. On the occasion of Swachhta Pakhwada, slogan writing, painting and quiz competitions were also organized in the school. Principal Banwari Lal Keshav gave information about cleanliness to the children and local people and urged them to make the earth plastic free. On this occasion, the local head and other Panchayat officials were present.

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