By election: HP seized huge catchy of NDPS & Liquor

Himachal Pradesh Police claimed that it has made huge catchy of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances & drugs and illicit liquor during special vigil sounded in-wake of by Election being held in the state.
State Director General of Police Mr Sanjay Kundu said in a press statement issued here today that after the implementation of the model code of conduct in the state, 35 cases have been registered against the violators under the NDPS Act and in  violation of guidelines of the Election Commission.
During various search operation and special vigil and drive state police made seizures of about  7.644 kilogram charas, 0.1593 kg heroin, 0.096 kg opium from the accused beside this Police also recovered 0.520 kg ganja, 14.440 kg poppy powder and 35 LSD paper have been recovered.
Police also registered  total of 101 cases have been registered under the Excise Act. During the period about 1091.587 liters of country liquor, 351.812 liters of English liquor and 757 liters of beer have been recovered from the accused,he added.

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