BJP National President Jagat Prakash Nadda on a three-day tour of Himachal: Randhir
BJP Himachal Pradesh Chief Spokesperson Randhir Sharma told that BJP National President Jagat Prakash Nadda is going to be on a three-day tour in Himachal Pradesh, the visit of the National President is going to be on 12-13 and 14 June.
Giving detailed information, Sharma said that on June 12, Nadda will inaugurate the new BJP district office at Noorpur in district Kangra.
At the time of inauguration, he will inaugurate the district office of Palampur located in district Kangra. Nadda is also going to address a public meeting in Noorpur on the same day.
Randhir Sharma told that on June 13, BJP National President Jagat Prakash Nadda is going to stay in Bilaspur where he will participate in local programs.
He told that on June 14, BJP National President will address a huge public meeting in Kullu of Mandi Lok Sabha constituency. This public meeting is being organized on the completion of 9 years of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government at the center, as you are aware that one public meeting is being organized by the BJP in each Lok Sabha constituency under this programme.
On this day BJP National President will conduct new enthusiasm among BJP workers.
During his tour, the BJP National President will bow his head at several temples and will also meet senior BJP leaders.