Average consumer consume 91.283 units power per month in HP 

The Average consumption of domestic electricity consumers  in the State is 91.283 units per month during the financial year 2020-21, this was stated by the power minister Sukh Ram in the written reply of a question asked by the CPI(M) member Rakesh Singha today. The Minister said that total number of domestic consumers in the State during 2020-21 are 21,51,303 and total consumption of electricity by the domestic consumers is 235,65,35000 units . The total number of consumers with electricity consumption of 60 units or less with effect from Jan 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 is 10,66,172. The Minister said that consumption would be 16.2 units per month if a consumer used  three bulbs of 60 watt for three hours for 30 days divided .  State government decided to provide free power to consumers who were consuming 125  units as the billing is being done by the HPSEB on Monthly or BiMonthly,Tri Monthly and four monthly basis.

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