Army Training Command Organises – Know Your Army Mela on the occasion of 76 Army Day
Celebrating the 76th Army Day, Army Training Command (ARTRAC) located at Shimla organised
‘Know Your Army’ Mela 2024 on 15 January 2024 at Annandale, Shimla. The festivities commenced
with the inauguration of the event by Shri Shiv Pratap Shukla, Hon’ble Governor of Himachal Pradesh
and Lt Gen Manjinder Singh, YSM, VSM, GOC-in-C Army Training Command. The event had variety of
attractions for the visitors to include Stalls and Kiosks displaying the latest Weapons & Equipment used
by our soldiers, information on recruitment in the Indian Army and Specialised High-Altitude Warfare
Equipment by. Ancient Indian Martial Arts – „Kaliyaripattu‟ & „Gatka‟ by Indian Army soldiers, Dog Show
by Remount & Veterinary Corps and Military Martial Music enthralled and mesmerized the audience,
consisting the local populace, School & College Students, NCC Cadets and Tourists. The Hon’ble
Governor commended the efforts and dedication of all Ranks of Army Training Command for organising
an enthralling event for the local population. Newly designed Experience Centre at the Army Heritage
Museum (AHM) was also inaugurated and opened to the visitors. The celebration and fun filled events
shall continue at „The Ridge‟, Shimla on 16 January 2024.