AAP blames Jai Ram Govt for JOE paper leak
Accusing Jai Ram Thakur Government for Sundernagar Junior Office Assistant (JOE) paper leak incident state unit of Aam Adami party blame the former for playing with the career of unemployed youth and indulged in big scale back door recruitment. Addressing a press conference in here today AAP state spokesperson Gaurav Sharma said that it is living instance how government is playing with future of the educated unemployed youth in the state. He alleged that JOAs examination in the private MLSM College of Sundernagar got leaked before the paper. Puting govt in the dock he said that BJP is insensitive towards career of youth as it is playing with their future. He said that while paper leaks every time before the exam it have to cancel but instead of cancelling govt for the nsme sake it m arrests few people and get rid off the responsibility. He said that how could question paper went viral on WhatsApp before the examination. He said that six people, including a teacher of a private school, have been arrested in this case. But a secretary of the state government says that it is a matter of only one college, so the examination will not be canceled. He asked why the paper would not be cancelled or officers may be involved in it. He alleged that instead of arresting big scsmester or senior officers involved of government junior employees was arrested to cover the crime . Gaurav Sharma said it is lone instance of paper leak but so many a big disclosure has come case of the leak of the question paper have been occurred including Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) UG examinations to be held on April 7 on April 4. Papers were leaked in one degree college and three Sanskrit colleges. This too was not investigated. But the government has benefited its loved ones by backdoor entry under its guise, which should also be investigated. Gaurav Sharma said that earlier in the month of March, the written examination of Himachal Pradesh Police Recruitment was held, on April 5, a WhatsApp chat went viral on social media and in this case the police had arrested 5 people, two youths discussed in the viral video. Were saying that someone is demanding eight to 10 lakh rupees for the written examination. But this too has not been canceled. Earlier in 2020, the conductor recruitment exam was also leaked, but only one was arrested and fabricated.