2633 lives lost in five year of Himachal road mishaps
Himachal Pradesh Police stated on Tuesday that 2633 people died and 6792 persons got injured in 3020 roll down accidents have taken place in the State in the last five years. As many as 79 buses rolled down in Himachal Pradesh as tragic bus accident in Sainj valley of Kullu district also occurred on Monday in which a private bus fell into a gorge near Jungla village snatching 13 valuable lives. State police spokesperson said that analytics of road accident between 2017 to 2022 till date showed that apparent “rolled down” accidents are occurring in the State now and then which is more fatal. In order the assess the root cause of these accidents and to work out a strategy to reduce such accidents, critical analysis of last five years database of “roll down” accident has been carried out. These “roll down” accidents happen due to lack of “crash barriers” along the roads.
Maximum numbers of accidents have occurred in district Shimla i.e.973 (32 per cent), followed by Mandi 425 (14 pc) and Chamba & Sirmaur at 306 (10pc).Maximum numbers of fatalities have occurred in district Shimla that is 869 (33pc), followed by Mandi 331 (13pc), Chamba at 284 (11pc). It is also noted that 2881(95pc) roll down accidents have taken place in rural areas of the State. The roll down accidents are evenly distributed across the day.
However, highest number of accidents 587 (20pc) have taken place in between 6 PM to 9 PM. Out of total 1679 (56pc) roll down accidents have occurred on the link roads followed by 1185 (39pc) on National & State Highways in the State. Over speed in 1264 (42pc), dangerous driving in 641 (21pc) and turning without care in 609 (20pc) are the leading accident causes. In 1530 (51pc) roll down accidents, motor cars were involved followed by pickup/jeep in 592 (20pc).
Total road length of the State is 38035 kms, whereas crash barriers are installed at only 520 km (1.36pc) of total road length. Keeping in view the accident taken place at Kullu, the DGP-HP has issued directions to the field formations to enhanced traffic checking to reduce traffic violations by the drivers. The details of black spots/clusters/stretches have been shared with HPPWD authorities to install crash barriers. Also list of 10 vulnerable stretches in each district which immediately require crash barriers have been shared with HPPWD.