Lions club Shimla offered reusable Garbage collection bags to Craigneno nature park

Lions Club Shimla in its efforts to save and keep environment cleanand green donated 100 reusable jute Garbage collection bags to Craigneno Nature park, Mashobra .
Liasioning and Public Relation Officer LCS Mr C L Sankhyan said in a press release thatbags were handed over to Himanshu Ranger Officers and other Forest department officialsby President of club Lion Davinder Chauhan, Secretary Manmohan Verma, TseasuserGopal Vaid, Mukul Sood, J S Guleria , M K Sharma and J P Sharma.
Lions club members also planted seed saplings of Chinar, Deodar in the nature park alongofficials of the forest department.
President of the club Davinder Chauhan said that Lions Club Shimla is very actively participating in various projects to keep; the environment clean and green. The clubs have planted arounds 400 saplings so far at various sites and also looking after their growth . He said that Clubs also assured that in future if forest department required such ;proposals for clean and green environment it would bedoing every possible effort.
The club also rendered its services to help the Covid affected during the first and 2nd wave after providing safety equipment and other health services to help the patients in the health institutions of the town, he added.

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