50 pc water sources depleted in KW HEP affected area: Study
The study conducted by the Environment research and action collective, Himdhara made a startling revelation that number of water sources depleted to fifty percent in four years due to Environmental devastation caused in the Kinnaur district in Himachal by the Karcham Wangtoo Hydro electric Project affected area . Recent study ‘Nagas’ published by Himdhara is based upon the field data collected and workshops from June 1 to three 2022 by the People actions group and Dubla Sports Club Karcham and People Science Institute Dehradun. Study found that in KWHEP affected area had total 167 water sources over seven Panchayats. Out of these, 146 were traditional springs and 21 had IPH water schemes . During coming up of Project in between 2006 to 2010 IPH department collected discharge readings twice a year for individual sources. Research said that close to 50 pc of the water sources had a 90 per cent depletion in discharge . The Collective said that it has become more important than ever to understand, conserve, and manage these water sources couldn’t possible without this study. Convenor of group Mansi Ashar said that outcome of research indicates that depletion in Water source due to HEPs and issues at the level of land – use changes and local management are much smaller in scale and effect, but they also do exist. Local residents ruing Environmental impact studies, feel that things got worse since the construction of multiple large dams in the area. Smaller – scale local land – use changes like construction and increasing water – demand are also considered. In the semi – arid landscape of Middle and Upper Kinnaur , these water sources are a gift of nature and people are deeply dependent on them for domestic , cultural and irrigation purposes. They also have deep spiritual ties with the springs and respectfully call them ‘Nagas – Ti’ or ‘ Lumo – Ti” . People’s Science Institute , Dehradun , were invited to co – facilitate the workshop and share their expertise on local springshed management in other parts of the Himalaya . The workshop was structured Study taking Kanam Village as sample for studying irrigation found that Farmers are using water from the mainstream, while water for domestic – use is piped from springs originating high above . The few springs close to the village were historically very important, but are now used in a very limited way, mostly when the piped water fails. “We studied two such springs at Tarang and Muthi places. The sharing of the irrigation water depends on the size or area of land held by different families and the location of this land with respect to the network of irrigation channels. This is worked out at the beginning of the growing season every year by the village administration. The care of springs, known respectfully as ‘Nagas – Ti: or ‘Lumo – Ti ‘, on the other hand is under religious institutions headed by local Budhist Lamas who follow the strict do’s and don’ts and offer prayer to the springs.The piped water for household taps is the responsibility of the IPH department. So the higher altitude springs involved in this are managed both religiously and by the state department, Imgation channel from the mainstream . The local understanding of springs is both at a religious – spiritual level and at an observation level . In terms of the former , proper respect from people and prayers by Laamas , help in maintaining and sometimes even reviving a spring . Failure to abide by religious rules can also result in springs drying up. They are also the abode of spirits and the site of a spring must be approached with caution. This overlaps with a more observational understanding of how it’s not wise to disturb the site of springs with digging, cementing and so on. In terms of the latter, people have of course been observing the increase in tremors , landslides , droughts , cloud – bursts , the receding of glaciers , the overall decrease in precipitation , especially systems
they conclude the drying up of springs is also a part of this change. The ultimate sources of spring and stream water are understood to be the lakes and glaciers higher up, but the fact that ground-water and rocks act as reservoirs is often not a part of the picture. The top of the mountain is missing snow, below that we see the light gray shade of shrubby vegetation, the long patches of chilgoza pine along the ridges, the road cutting across above the main village and finally the green of cultivation. Drying up of water sources are also attributed to increasing concretization. Increase in concrete construction and flush toilets has increased domestic water demand and also affected ground – water recharge. Increasing role of IPH Pipes also adding up the concern as water is piped from springs high up by the IPH Department. While this brings a lot of convenience it is also at the cost of a certain amount of disconnection between people and their domestic water source. Study also indicate that demand of water Increase in apple cultivation too. Many local crops have been replaced with apple orchards over the years, and so have forest areas. The change of land use from natural crop like Chilgoza and its massive razing for HEP added to depletion of water sources. Study said that standing forests, especially above village height, are critical for ground water recharge.The riparian vegetation along the river and streams can’t be seen. The dry slopes above the villages are dominated by Artemesia shrubs. Chilgoza ( Pinus gerardiana ) trees grow till a certain height and then peter out to leave only this shrubby vegetation . The stream beds and riparian sections have tall trees of alder , willow , poplar ,
and deodar , and the system
villages , through irrigation , additionally support walnut , horse – chestnut , elm , green oak , celtis , wild apricot and apple , along with the cultivated varieties of apple , apricot , almond , etc. In terms of living memory, most people remember the slopes above the villages to be just as scrubby as they are now. Total harvesting of water sources in the affected area lead to sudden decline of basal flow. There seems to be no concept of maintaining a minimal basal-flow in springs and small streams to ensure their own continued health along with that of the vegetation and soil along their course. Springs are fully diverted into irrigation channels and pipes . One of the most significant developments of the last two decades has seen the construction of HEPs and related infrastructure, which include roads and transmission ines. Study found that relentless construction and widening of roads also depleting water sources. Roads are made around critical recharge areas could reduce the amount of ground – water infiltration , and they are not planned according to local hydrogeology system. There are threats at two different scales and magnitudes. Large hydro – electric projects ( HEPs ) along with the extreme irregularities of climate breakdown are both quite large in their scale and effect. Tremors and Landslides caused by drilling and blasting involved in HEPs . Changes in microclimate due to increase in dust and local temperatures caused by HEPS. Cloud – bursts and droughts resulting from climate – breakdown In the last few decades , springs everywhere in the Himalayas have been drying up . Specifically , in Kinnaur , this general trend has been exacerbated by the large – scale underground excavation and deforestation related to hydroelectric projects .The glacial lake outbursts debris – flow and landslides – have become a common phenomenon, and the region’s vulnerability to the impacts of climate change is exacerbated by the limitations of the area’s biophysical environment. The environmental impact of the developments has been far – reaching and have triggered a local movement led by the indigenous Kinnaur youth against further hydropower development in Upper Kinnaur exploring Indigenous Citizen Science. “We need to constantly revisit and relook not only the politics of producing knowledge , but also what and who that knowledge is for” study cancluded.