19158 hactare area forest forest area free from Lantana exotic weed
Himachal Pradesh Government stated in the state assembly that it has freed 19158 hactare forest area from Lantana Camara weeds as iit infest around 235492 ha area in the state.
Giving this information in the state assembly during the Question hour raised by Ravinder Kumar of Jaisinghpur Forest Minister Rakesh Pathania said that lantana estimation is carried out since 2015 by the forest departmentas it has being declared invasive species.
He said that exotic weed (Lantana camara) is 235492 ha. He said that during last last three years (upto 30.06.20210 an amount of Rs. 39,87,30,743 has been incurred on eradication of exotic weed namely Lantana camara.
He said that during this period, total 19158 ha. forest area has been cleared of Lantana camara.
Minister also said in reply of another query raised by Lakhan Pal of Cong said that a policy has been made byforest department to save the forest from fire and cleara the pine leaves from the forest responsible for most offire incidents in the state.
He said that under policy Government is offering 50 per cent grant or subsidy of 50 per cent ( upto Rs 25 lakh) to set up Pine based industrial unit in the state and five such units are being set up in Hamirpur and Mandi district under the scheme.
The pines leaves which are not consider healthy for compost or organic manure (owing to harmful or dangerous for earthworms)are being utilised for the building fuel block or Briquettes in such industrial units Minsiter said that to avert fire mishap in the pine infested areas or in the state forest State Disaster Management Authority ahs set up control rooms in the state which could be contacted with help of phone calls.
Minister said that 35 forest divisions in the state were declared fire prone areas and the department has providedmotor, pipe, water tank and a vehicle to douse the fire in such forests. An optional fire tender was also provided by the department in the state in these forests which could reach on the spot in time along with the firefighters, minister added.
Taking part in the discussion on flood hit area under rule 130 Congress Member Inder Dutt Lakhan Pal demanded thatGovernment should promote the collection of pine leaves in the rural area in the state forest and local lands by bringing it under MNREGA scheme.