Himachal recognized as Aspiring leaders in State’s Startup Ranking 2021

A spokesperson of the State Government informed here today that Himachal Pradesh has been recognized as the ‘Aspiring leaders’ in developing a strong startup ecosystem in the State.

 The State was applauded for its initiatives taken to build a strong ecosystem such as. building a comprehensive and inclusive startup policy, Outlining easy public procurement norms for startups and Launching Him Startup Yojna (HIMSUP) to promote and encourage new entrepreneurs.

 The certificate of appreciation was received by Department of Industries, Himachal Pradesh recently at an event State’s Startup Ranking 2021 organised by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), GOI.

The certificate of achievement was awarded to Chief Secretary, Ram Subhag Singh for his commendable efforts for ensuring timeliness State approvals and clearances required for registering startups and launching of HIMSUP Yojna to provide funds to incubators for startups.

 Director of Industries, Rakesh Kumar Prajapati was awarded the certificate of commendation for extending support to startups from various State departments and setting up of new incubation centre in the State to facilitate the startups.

Joint Director of Industries Deepika Khatri also received the certificate of commendation for promoting and conducting entrepreneurial events for spreading awareness about Startup scheme and providing the highest sustenance allowance along with plug and play facilities to support startups in the State.

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